Thursday, March 20, 2014

Unit 9- WWI Test Guide

Honors American History
Unit 9- World War I Test Guide
Text- Ch. 19
Additional Resources
-       WWI map of Europe
-       Shell Shock video sheet

Content (Ch. 19)
-       Identify the 4 underlying causes of WWI
-       What was the immediate cause of the war? Explain how the network of alliances unfolded after the assassination. Be specific.
-       Identify the main countries of the Allies and Central Powers
-       Impact of trench warfare
-       Explain the role of American ethnic ties in the division of public opinion at the start of the war.
-       Define propaganda. Role?
-       Identify and explain the 3 causes that led America to join the war.
o   German unrestricted submarine warfare
§  Sussex Pledge
§  Lusitania
o   Zimmermann telegram
§  What was it?
§  What did Germany promise to Mexico?
o   Russian Revolution
§  Why did this make it easier for the U.S. to join the Allies side?
-       On what date did President Woodrow Wilson declare war? What was his reason?
-       What type of Americans opposed the war?
-       Identify the purpose of the Selective Service Act
-       Sedition and Espionage Acts
-       Identify the purpose of liberty bonds, rationing and daylight savings time
-       When did the armistice take place?
-       Significance of Schenk v. U.S
-       Over all death toll? U.S death toll? 1919 flu death toll?
-       What was the purpose of Wilson’s 14 points? Identify the 3 points from class notes
-       How did Wilson’s attitude toward punishing Germany differ from Britain, France and Italy? Define reparation
-       What was agreed upon in the Treaty of Versailles?
-       Why did the U.S Senate reject the League of Nations?
-       Role of Henry Cabot Lodge?
-       Legacy of WWI

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