Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Unit 6-  WWI

Watch the crash course video- WWI

Answer the following questions in your notes...

1.     Why did some Americans want to stay out of war?

2.     What was President Wilson’s slogan for the 1916 election?

3.     What event led us to enter WWI? (not the Lusitania)

4.     Why did America support Britain in WWI?

5.     Who said the “mystery document” in the video? What was the document?

6.     Who was Ernest Hemingway?

7.     What did Congress do in May 1917?

8.     What was the job of the War Industries Board?

9.     What was the point of George Creel’s CPI program?

10. How did WWI limit civil liberties?

11. Identify the 1919 Palmer Raids.

12. What happened to labor unions after the war?

13. Identify a few “good things” that came about at the end of the war.

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