Tuesday, March 31, 2015

WWII Identifications

WWII Identifications

1.     Neutrality Acts 1935-1937

2.     Cash and Carry 1947

3.     Lend-lease Act 1941

4.     Atlantic Charter 1941

5.     Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? Date?

6.     Who made up the Axis Powers? Allies Powers?

7.     Identify FDR’s Four Freedoms for fighting the war.

8.     Tuskagee Airmen

9.     What did the U.S. government do to Japanese-Americans on the West coast?

10. D-Day

11. What did Harry S. Truman become president?

12. V-E Day

13. What was decided at the Yalta Conference?

14. Nuremberg Trials

15. Island hopping

16. Manhattan project

17. Potsdam declaration

18. Dates of the dropping of the atomic bomb

19. Total # of WWII deaths

20. Total # of Jewish killed in Holocaust

Monday, March 23, 2015

Great Depression/ 1930s Quiz topics

Study the video sheet- "Stormy Weather"

- date of the stock market crash
- causes of the crash
- years of depression
- 1932 election candidates
- How did FDR differ from Hoover regarding the role of the federal gov?
- Name of FDR's program for America
- FDR's First Hundred Days
- Emergency Banking Relief Act
- 3 goals of the New Deal
- Be able to answer the New Deal programs (CCC, WPA, NIRA, PWA, AAA) in a matching format
- How did FDR prevent another depression- Truth in Securities Act, FDIC
- Info about the Migrant Mother photo
- 3 Goals of the Social Security program
- Huey Long
- Arguments against the New Deal
- Arguments for the New Deal

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

1920s study guide

1920s Test Guide
-       Text:  Ch. 20
-       Other resources: notes, video sheet “Boom to Bust”, all homework

Society in the 1920s
            - Identify several factors that made life difficult after World War I
            - How did the flapper represent women’s changing roles?
            - Changes in demographics- to where were Americans moving?
            - American heroes- Why did Americans look to heroes?
Mass Media and the Jazz Age
            - Define mass media; Role of mass media in creating a national culture
            - 1st “talkie”; 1st radio station
            - Hollywoodland sign
            - Explain the role of advertising in the 1920s
            - Harlem Renaissance
Cultural Conflicts
Explain the split between urban and rural America; making progress but resisting changes
            The Red Scare
            - What was it?
            - How did Sacco and Vanzetti represent America’s fear of foreign, radical ideas?
            - Amendment? Goals?
            - How did it represent urban vs rural lifestyle
            - % of NY vs Kansas who followed the amendment
            - Negative outcomes of prohibition: bootleggers, speakeasies, organized crime
            - How did the Scopes Trial represent urban vs rural religious beliefs
            - Evolution vs Fundamentalism
            Racial Tensions
            - Why did membership of the KKK rise to 4 million?
            - How did this represent a clash between urban and rural attitudes about race?
(KKK vs Harlem Renaissance)
A Consumer Economy
            - Define above
            - Explain the ripple effect of increased spending in an economy
            - Explain credit/ installment plan
            - Explain how Henry Ford democratized the auto; identify 2 ways that he was able
to maximize his profits
- Identify the economic impact of the auto on various industries
The Economy in the late 1920s
            - Who won the 1928 election? What was his belief about the economy?
            - Identify the economic danger signs of the decade
                        - uneven prosperity: industry, wealth, income
                        - role of personal debt
                        - Playing stock market- speculation, buying on margin
                        - overproduction
                        - hardships for farmers

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Watch the crash course video about the 1920s and answer the following questions. The answers should come directly from the video information. You will turn in these questions during our next class, and the answers must be your own work.

1920s Crash Course Video

1.     Provide an overview of the Republican government in the 1920s.

2.     Who were the presidents of the 1920s?

3.     Why was politics filled with corruption in the 1920s?

4.     Why did industry boom in the 1920s?

5.     What were some of the labor saving devices?

6.     What was the most significant leisure activity for Americans?

7.     Who was the biggest celebrity of the decade?

8.     To what event does the “mystery document” refer?

9.     What were the problems with prosperity of the 1920s? (several reasons)

10. What groups of people did not prosper in the 1920s?

11. Why was it a “reactionary decade?”

12. What did the immigration laws do during the decade? Who was restricted?

13. What did the Scopes Trial lead to in American society?

Monday, March 2, 2015

CYBER DAY- March 2

Refer to the post below.  Read the article and take notes. Be ready for a few questions about the information.