Thursday, March 5, 2015


Watch the crash course video about the 1920s and answer the following questions. The answers should come directly from the video information. You will turn in these questions during our next class, and the answers must be your own work.

1920s Crash Course Video

1.     Provide an overview of the Republican government in the 1920s.

2.     Who were the presidents of the 1920s?

3.     Why was politics filled with corruption in the 1920s?

4.     Why did industry boom in the 1920s?

5.     What were some of the labor saving devices?

6.     What was the most significant leisure activity for Americans?

7.     Who was the biggest celebrity of the decade?

8.     To what event does the “mystery document” refer?

9.     What were the problems with prosperity of the 1920s? (several reasons)

10. What groups of people did not prosper in the 1920s?

11. Why was it a “reactionary decade?”

12. What did the immigration laws do during the decade? Who was restricted?

13. What did the Scopes Trial lead to in American society?

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