Unit 10 Test Guide-
The Cold War Era 1950s-1970s
Why was there a post WWII economic boom?
Identify the post war migrations that took place,
and the reasons for them.
Identify the effects of the 1950s baby boom
What were the post war goals of the U.S and the
Soviet Union
Years of the Cold War
Role of Yalta Conference; United Nations
The Iron Curtain
Containment policy and Truman Doctrine
Why did the Berlin Airlift occur?
Purpose of NATO, Warsaw Pact
Why was 1949 a year of shocks?
Why did the Korean War take place? Outcome?
JFK’s New Frontier program
Why did Soviets build Berlin Wall in 1961?
JFK’s policy of flexible response
Reason for and outcome of the Bay of Pigs
Reason for and outcome of Cuban Missile Crisis
LBJ’s Great Society
Why did America become involved in Vietnam? Gulf
of Tonkin Resolution; TET Offensive;
The Earl Warren Court liberal decisions (know
the cases)
Link the rise of liberalism in the 1960s to the
rise of conservatism in the 1970s
Know the difference between the beliefs of
liberals and conservatives
What caused the economic decline of the 1970s?
(besides the oil crisis)
Were the decisions of the Warren Burger court
liberal or conservative, why?
Identify the significance of Title IX
Explain Richard Nixon’s domestic policy of New
Federalism. Was it conservative or liberal?
Why did the energy crisis occur in 1973? Role of
OPEC. Effect on America?
What happened during the Watergate scandal?
Questions raised from the 1970s.
Explain Nixon’s foreign policy of detente
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